Sunday, February 23, 2014

Which is more important, Family or Friends?

Both family and friends play important roles in our lives. You can't live right without a family and you can't succeed without any friends.
 Nobody can deny the fact that nothing is more important than a family. You may not realize how momentous a home is when you're small, but when you become more mature and have an indecent mind, you'll realize that family really means everything to you. First of all, it's where your life begins and the love you are given truly never dies. It's the place where you are loved.

The members of family are the ones who always stand by you, help you face the problems and difficulties you have to solve in your life. Family help improve your personalities. Being raised in a good family let you have a good head start which will be a huge benefit for you later in the future.

Besides family there are friends. They are important, too. Friends assist us in learning difficult subjects and teach us how to learn in a more effective way. Life wouldn't be completed without the presence of friendship.

Family is most important for me, because Family is an inseparable part of our life. Family is the inception of our existence.If someone is really close to me and I trust her, she is member of my family.
 I love my family and my friends.

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