Sunday, February 16, 2014

Forest ecosystem

     An ecosystem is a self-sustaining and self-regulating community of living organisms and its non-living environment.                                           Forest ecosystem consists of animals, birds, plants, fungi, micro-organisms and non-living things: water, air and soil.                                                                 There are abiotic and biotic factors in the forest ecosystem. Abiotic factors are a non-living chemical or physical factor in the environment. A living thing, as an animal or plant, that influences or affects an ecosystem called biotic factor.                              Food web is a series of organisms related by predator-prey and consumer-resource interactions; the entirety of interrelated food chains in an ecological community. Animals cant convert energy, but plants and trees can do this through the process of photosynthesis. Sunlight energy is converted to simple sugars in plants. This type of organisms called producers.
                                                                                                                                                             There are herbivores and carnivores. Herbivores only eat plants, but carnivores eat meat. But there are omnivores, too. Omnivores are animals, who eat both of meat and plants.                                                 
     Magical forest is place, where live many people, such as flying squirrel, grizzly bear, lynx, caterpillar, banana slug and gecko. Chris Packham introduced beautifully scenes in the wild. Discover previously unknown relationships, like why a tiger needs a crab, or why a gecko needs a giraffe.

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