Sunday, February 9, 2014

Corruption refers to a lack of integrity or honesty and the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.

Corruption refers to a lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery) and the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.  
In my opinion another problem impeding progress in Armenia is corruption. Police regularly collect money from motorists for either real or imagined violations, and from there on up through the different levels and branches of the government. 
      Corruption in Armenia has continued   slowly.       In our country jobs are given to friends or relatives.This is also known as another form of corruption.                                                                                   If it is your own business, it will lead many good and bad consequences to give job friends and relatives. One of those bad sides is that it may be more difficult to create a necessary change in the workplace when it might negatively affect your friend or relative that works for you. Good side is that friends and family may bring many useful skills to your business.    
                    If I were the boss of a large company or government ministry, I would give jobs to my friends and relatives only one condition. According to that condition my friend would work like other employees. If they are wrong they will be punished severely for that.


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