Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Advertisement ~ Business

Advertisement can help business growth. I think that everyone agree with me. I think that advertisement is great way to build customer base. It is an excellent way to advertise your products to increase sales. Advertisements give access to great benefits.           

If you can reach out to someone’s emotional side through visuals, you will be able to share your message with them in a very meaningful way, which will help you grow your  business.                                                                                                                                                                      There are some advantages and disadvantages of using advertisement in promoting business. It  has many advantages.It increases customer traffic. One of them is that create new customers and increase brand recognition or obtain feedback from customers regarding product. Maybe, it increases customer traffic.  
It has disadvantages, too. The primary disadvantage of using advertisement in promoting business of advertising is the high costs.    
In my opinion the ethics of advertising in Armenia is almost developed. People in advertising spend a lot of their time dealing with ethical choices. Because ads are made of choices: What to show ... and what not to show. What to say ... and how to say it.       
I feel annoyed when getting phone calls from companies advertising their products. I don’t  interested in ads like that way.


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