Friday, March 28, 2014

Mining debate

Our last class was the best one. During last class we had a debate.Debate was about copper mining in Syunik.There were four groups. I was a member of villagers.We worked with students of AUA. Mariam joined us. She was very clever. Our debate was interesting. At the end of debate the government said his decision. The government said that they allowed to open only one factory. It that factory be good for everyone, they will think about future.
I think it was great debate.
After debate we continued our class.We spoke about littering and recycling. We watched short video about sustainable management.We read about our topic,too.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mining in Syunik

Our last class was interesting as other classes. During our last class we watched movie which was about Armenia, especially it was about one of the region of our country. It was about Syunik. That video was called " Mining is a threat to Syunik". It was terrific,because they spoil our country.
 Besides watching video we discussed our debate,too. We discussed the structure, rules and etiquette of debate. I think we will have great debate.


Monday, March 24, 2014

I Choose To Be Happy

I agree that there are many people like Lizzie, with different physical disorders. Some do not look like it is accepted by the "norms" of the society, some are obese (overweight), or can't gain weight like Lizzie, in other words, some people are just "different". Many of these people suffer from the society pressure, and bullying. They have to hide from the society, like they do not belong to it. Some of them find a solution and harmony in life; some don't, and may even put an end to their lives.

Lizzie Velasquez has problem. Her core problem is a rare syndrome and doctors can’t help her. But she doesn’t sorrow, because she thinks that she must live like everyone else. Lizzie Velasquez doesn’t mourn, because she thinks that beauty isn’t only person’s appearance, it is person’s personality, too.
I think she is powerful and confident, because she doesn’t disguise. She is humorous, too. It appears from her speech.  
The key to Lizzie's success is her ambition and her way of thinking, because she doesn’t think like others.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Should students have to wear uniforms?

Should students have to wear uniforms? This is first question of schools, which become topic of debate between teachers and students.There are various viewpoints about statement. It has advantages and disadvantages.
First of all I will speak about advantages of wearing uniforms. If we wear/have uniform,
we shouldn’t spend time in the morning choosing what to wear. We will pay less attention on clothes and we can concentrate more on your studies.
Another advantage of wearing uniforms is that students won’t buy expensive clothes which will save money.They will feel comfortable if everybody is wearing the same thing. It might be annoying for some people if they wear the same thing everyday.
One of the disadvantages is that students who can not buy fashionable clothes,start to envy others, who always wear fashionable and expensive clothes.
I do not prefer uniforms because they are uncomfortable. If you are uncomfortable during school, it would be hard for you to study.
As far as I am concerned, I do not prefer uniforms. Students should have the freedom to wear anything they want. It is important to have a unique style and personality. If students are happy with what they are wearing, it would help them at school. Students would be more comfortable in school if they are allowed to wear their choice of clothing.